Strawberry Banana Chia Ice Cream: Raw, Vegan, Organic

Guest Post By Melanie-Amber Ruane ⎮ 

As a new Mom, I am constantly exploring ways to feed my toddler healthy and fun foods.  When I want to give him something special and sweet, there is nothing easier than blending up some raw banana ice cream.  This ice cream is 100% vegan (or not, if you prefer to add cows milk), raw, sweetener and sugar free, and in a word: genius.

Here is the “recipe” I use for a couple servings of strawberry-banana-chia ice cream:

-2 ripe frozen bananas

-1 cup frozen strawberries

-2 tablespoons of coconut or almond milk (the amount might vary depending on the strength of your blender.)

-1 tablespoon chia seeds


Blend the fruit and milk together.

Add the bananas.

Add the chai seeds

Serve right away or put in the freezer.


The possibilities for flavors and toppings are endless.  I have added raw cacao to make it chocolate flavored, sprinkled pistachios or coconut flakes on top, drizzled a little maple syrup in the blender… It really is so fun and easy!

What I also love about this ice cream is that it gets quite hard in the freezer, which means I can cut off little chunks for my son, who is in the “I want to feed myself” stage but doesn’t use utensils yet.  We have been enjoying this ice cream all winter long but I can’t wait to try it with fresh farmers market fruit on those hot summer days. 


Melanie-Amber Ruane